Community Benefits

    • This project will generate north of $20 Million in tax revenue throughout the project's life. That is almost 500k a year to go to schools, EMS, police, etc.

    • Businesses are seeking out large scale solar projects to power their operations. A project like Wolf Hills Solar can attract interest from companies in moving factories/production and local operations to Washington County so they can point to their nearby clean energy source

    • Specifically, Wolf Hills Solar could attract new companies to the IDA business park less than a mile down the road from the project.

    • At the end of the lease, what is farmland today will be returned as farmland.

    • Solar is an opportunity to protect strategic agriculture land’s long-term future and protect it from being broken up and developed.

    • These two factors stand in stark contrast to the major threats to Agriculture land from industrial and residential development which will divide the land and permanently change its use.

    • Wolf Hills Solar will create approximately 300 full-time construction jobs

    • In cooperation with VHCC and other local training programs, Wolf Hills Solar will look to fulfill as many of the construction jobs with local employees as possible

    • During operation, Wolf Hills Solar will employ three fulltime Power Plant Operators

    • Wolf Hills will contract all vegetation management services to local landowners, farmers, or Virginia sheep grazing operations

    • Utility scale solar projects provide power to the homes and businesses located in their immediate vicinities. Washington County will be able to take advantage of their own energy source, the sun.

    • This will allow Washington County to rely less on power plants across the state that have to ship power into the County

    • The cost to produce power at Wolf Hills Solar is expected to be below the current market prices seen in Southwest Virginia

    • Solar projects like Wolf Hills reduce reliance on inefficient generators that increase consumer’s electric bills

    • By working in conjunction with the local Wolf Hills natural gas plant, the solar project adds extra energy security to Washington County

Key Beneficiaries

Abingdon Elementary - Greendale Elementary - High Point Elementary - Meadowview Elementary - Rhea Valley Elementary - Valley Institute Elementary - Watauga Elementary - Abingdon High School - Damascus Middle School - E.B. Stanley Middle School - Glade Spring Middle School - Holston High School - John S. Battle High School - Patrick Henry High School - Wallace Middle School