Wolf Hills Solar

Wolf Hills Solar is a 262 MW-AC utility-scale solar project to be constructed adjacent to the Wolf Hills Generating Station in Washington County, Virginia. Wolf Hills Solar will interconnect at the existing gas facility’s substation. Catalyst Energy Partners is developing the project.

Why Washington County?

  • Utilizing the preexisting utility infrastructure of the Wolf Hills Natural Gas Plant, lowering environmental impact and improving time to commercial operations

  • Interested landowners around industrial park looking to diversify their income and secure the future of their property 

  • Demand for renewable energy from local corporations, customers, and utilities

Why partner with Power Plants?

  • Some power plants only operate 1-5% of the hours in the year but are critical in those times for grid reliability

  • Infrastructure around these plants sits unused 95% of the time and can be paired with solar during those hours to avoid the need to build more transmission lines and grid infrastructure

  • Combining solar and natural gas generation provides the best of both worlds with clean, reliable energy for the community